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January 17, 2025

Debunking the top 5 myths about solar power in Australia

James Oakden

Energy has always given humanity the right means to satisfy our basic needs. From primitive times when it helped us cook our food or shape hunting tools and build homes, to modern times, when it allowed us to develop technology that has enabled us to travel into space and to create information systems that are helping us to find new ways to connect, co-create, evolve and expand our vision of ourselves and the world around us.

Energy is power

We live in a moment in history where even the way we obtain energy has evolved. We are now at a turning point where non-renewable energy sources such as carbon and fossil fuels, our primary power sources for decades, are decreasing their relevance. New ways of generating energy are emerging and becoming top priorities for a clean future.

Solar power is one of the sources that it's taking a leading role in and slowly becoming a game changer in the renewable energy industry, especially in Australia, where it has become the number one renewable energy source in recent years due to responsible solar energy projects, solar farms, and the development of a solidified solar industry.


What are the reasons for this solar energy success?

There are mainly three reasons that come into play. 

First, installing solar panels has enabled many people in Australia to become independent from relying on the electricity grid. At the same time, such an energy transition is helping them save money on bills. 

Second, the Australian Government has been highly interested in promoting the renewable energy industry as a clean way to generate electricity, with programs such as the Renewable Energy Target and Small Scale Technology Certificates, among others. Particularly in the solar energy industry, they are working actively to provide attractive incentives and rebates to Australian households and business owners that want to turn to solar energy, such as the solar feed-in tariffs.

Third, solar energy in Australia is abundant as we are one of the sunniest countries in the world, with enough solar radiation to harness rich solar energy resources.

Related Read: Why choosing the right solar installer is key to a successful installation>

But, even though these factors have convinced more than 2 million Australian home and business owners to have installed rooftop solar panels in their properties, there are still common misconceptions related to installing solar systems and a general lack of awareness about their technological advantages, which are still stopping many people in our country from enjoying the multiple benefits of this renewable solar energy resource.

The purpose of this article is to highlight common myths and to bring light upon these misunderstandings about solar energy so that you can have clear knowledge in case you think about turning to solar energy resources.

Here are the five most common myths about solar power in Australia.

Myth #1: Solar power is expensive

It used to be, but not anymore. In the last five years, Australia's cost of solar photovoltaic panels and solar thermal technologies has decreased by approximately 30-40%. This has allowed many people in the country from different financial backgrounds to afford solar PV panels, battery storage systems, and solar inverters without being forced to get high-interest loans.

Apart from the cost-decline factor, government incentives and rebates are also helping Australian citizens to finance their solar systems intelligently. Some of them, like the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), developed a financial incentive that helps individuals and small businesses to purchase and install their solar energy systems.

Also, installing solar panels is helping Australian people financially in the long run as it increases energy-cost savings by lowering the price of electricity bills and increasing the value of the properties in which the installed solar panels have been adapted. 

All these reasons confirm that, far from being expensive solar energy is a financially safe and cost-effective project investment.

Myth #2: Solar power is not reliable

Many still believe solar PV could be more reliable as they depend on sunlight to produce power and function poorly on cloudy days. However, modern technology in the solar industry, especially newer solar PV systems, has improved their low-light performance function and can help with electricity generation even when there are clouds in the sky. 

The reliability of a solar system also greatly depends on the type of solar panels it uses. There are three main types: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film. 

What types of solar panels do installers use?

Monocrystalline panels are made of a single solid crystal piece and offer the highest performance. Polycrystalline panels are composed of different crystals made into a structure; they perform less but are more affordable. At last, thin film panels are made of silicon, making them more malleable, yet their general performance is the lowest.

It is essential to consider that Australian weather offers great sunlight exposure, which allows these main types of panels to work efficiently. 

Yet, if you want your solar system to be reliable, you must consider that proper maintenance is vital. Some energy retailers in Australia only install solar PV systems and let you figure out what to do when they fail. Some other solar installers certified by the Clean Energy Council, such as Yuma Energy, offer an integral service through responsible sales, which include professional installation, post-sale service, and 24 hrs remote system monitoring.

Myth #3: Solar panels only work when the sun is shining

Nowadays, technological advances have made PV panels into highly efficient solar energy systems that have defeated many preconceptions about their capacity to capture sunlight even when it is not direct. 

Through their solar photovoltaic technology and dynamic capacity to convert photons into electrons, solar PV panels can now capture sunlight directly, no matter if it is diffused by cloudy days or overcast weather conditions, and deliver electricity generation without a problem. It is essential to realise that the amount of electricity is minor compared to direct sunlight, yet it still produces enough energy to generate an electric flow for your property.  

Besides, most solar panels in Australia are made of crystalline silicon, which maximises solar energy conversion into electricity through advanced photovoltaics. Moreover, they are coated with an anti-reflective material, increasing the sunlight they capture.

The future of battery storage

Battery storage systems also play a significant role as they can store solar energy when the weather conditions are not the most appropriate for production, helping you to supply your property when solar power work does not offer enough energy generation. However, we are still a few years away from this being a cost effective solutions for home and business owners,

Additionally, if the solar power system is connected to the electricity grid, excess electricity is stored and used during the night when the sun is not present.

Indeed, several reasons confirm that solar panels can produce enough clean energy independent of weather conditions and can supply electricity whenever needed when you count on a reliable solar storage system. 

Myth #4: Solar panels are not durable.

It is a fact that solar PV panels are built to last a long time. On average, modern solar panels can offer high performance for over 25-30 years. It greatly depends on their manufacturer, quality, and other factors, but generally, they are durable and robust enough to resist any weather condition.

Why we offer extended solar panel warranties?

Due to their long-lasting quality, some solar providers and installers can now offer extended warranties for their products. For instance, our Yuma Energy platinum solar package comes with a minimum 15-year warranty on all products compared to a 10 or 5 years warranty from other solar companies. Our solar PV panels come with a 25-year warranty that ensures an 80% overall performance during such a period. 

Maintenance and general cleaning are also essential when making solar PV long-lasting and durable. Therefore, it is recommended that you hire a solar retailer that provides such services without high extra costs. 

Myth #5: A cheaper system will pay for itself faster.

No. It will not. Buying a cheaper system will help you save some money now, but it does not mean it will help you save in the long run. 

Generally, cheaper systems offer a different power efficiency than premium ones because they often come with fewer panels, meaning that you will produce less electricity with your system, still have to rely significantly on the grid, and therefore will save less money on bills compared to the high-priced solar system. 

Indeed, too good to be true is an accurate phrase for low-priced solar systems, as they can cause many problems regarding their overall performance and insufficient support from some of the energy retailers that install them. 

At Yuma Energy, we get plenty of SOS calls asking to rectify problems on systems that we didn't install in the first place, and often the repair is even more expensive than the system itself. 

Here is some excellent advice:

When purchasing a solar power system, don't hesitate to contact a company accredited by the Clean Energy Council that offers you complete service and guarantees your peace of mind for a reasonable price.

Solar energy is the way to a clean future.

We have touched upon several myths about rooftop solar technology that aren't true. The main inspiration for this article is to provide you with enough information to consider natural solar energy as a valid option to power your home or business with clean electricity. 

As the number one renewable source of energy in Australia, solar power represents a reliable option that will help you save money on electricity bills and, at the same time, will help the world by reducing carbon emissions, preventing global warming and environmental damages, that, otherwise, are threatening the future of our planet and the quality of life for our next generations. 

If, after reading this article, you feel encouraged to know more about the benefits of solar power and further details on how it can contribute to your home and business needs, please contact us.

At Yuma Energy, we will happily answer your questions and guide you throughout the journey of becoming solar.

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